Appreciation made success.

Recognition comes in a variety of forms. A smile and tap on the back, hand shaking or the more formal email – no matter how expressed, gratitude is always welcome and can brighten up someone's day.

What can be even better? Use 10xMate™ to make recognition instant, effortless and impactful by linking it to your corporate values.​

AI 10xmate

Powered by Artificial Intelligence

Creating and nourishing a recognition culture is key to developing a successful, profitable business but we understand that it can take lots of management time and effort, which is not always at hand. People managers would often struggle to fit recognition management tasks into their busy schedules, in order to make a recognition program work. We aren’t making it worse any further. Our INNOVATIVE and UNIQUE AI-driven solution was created to take away most of the boring, time-consuming, manual work, leaving managers with extra free time to focus on their core responsibilities, connect with the team and be able to support them better. Our EXPERT SYSTEM compares and analyses data, identifies patterns and trends, to provide objective advice and forecast based on the user behavior on the platform.

Good Vibes Only

With 10xMate™, you can send and receive praise for any great job done, spreading positive energy around and enhancing the culture of appreciation at your company.

striking home 10xmate

Striking Home​

Lightweight and intuitive – that's what our interface feels like when used for the first time. No technical skills or training required to start off. Simple and fun, every single click in the system is designed to add up to your amazing experience.​

10xmate on the go

10xMate™ on the Go

10xMate™ is mobile friendly, so that everyone has access to more smiles – anytime, anywhere.​

The Power of Analytics​

10xMate™ is also a personal performance and process improvement tool – the platform offers a variety of dashboards and reports which highlight in an easy and objective way strengths, as well as opportunities for improvement.​

10xmate security matters

Security Matters​

Your data is in safe hands with us. Our data storage engines are covered with the best practices and all related certificates.​

we are green 10xmate

We Are Green​

We care about the future of the planet, that's why we've digitalized the entire recognition flow. You can now leave all paper copies behind – 10xMate™ cards, vouchers and confirmations are available online 24/7.​