A company can be more than a place to work.

Employees nowadays want much more than a paycheck – they are excited to learn and improve, they care about career development, follow inspiring leaders and expect emotional intelligence and recognition on the part of their employers. Top performing companies do offer all that, realizing that the investment in their workforce is in fact an investment in their own success. Why? Because when people feel their contribution is appreciated, they work with dedication, have better performance and stick around longer. Companies become families who work together towards the common goals.

Simple as that.​

We've created 10xMate™

in order to make a difference and you will see the impact of the platform on nearly every aspect of the business:

The working environment is more relaxed​

People are more satisfied and enjoy their work​

Employee engagement and loyalty to the company is higher

People are more productive

Employees are better brand ambassadors

Employees deliver services of better quality

Customer satisfaction is higher​

Sales increase

Profitability increases

Share prices and company value increase

Corporate values and goals are promoted

Team work is improved​

Employee retention is improved, resulting in lower costs​

The company has fewer incidents on the job​

Absenteeism is reduced​

Companies with a recognition program have

60 %


Recognition increases PRODUCTIVITY

69 %

of employees would work harder

if they felt their efforts were acknowledged.​

Recognition culture leads to

31 %


Noticed the potential behind the numbers?

Technology can turn opportunities into business growth.